Programs + Resources
The RDA provides loans, land write-downs, property acquisition and disposal, and tax increment reimbursements to aid in bringing redevelopment projects to fruition by way of renovation, rehabilitation, and new construction. The following financial programs and tools are designed to help to bridge the funding gap between a project’s economics and market realities.
Loan Program
The RDA Loan Program provides critical gap financing for projects that advance the goals and objectives outlined in Project Area Plans. We work with project developers and lenders to bridge the funding gap between a project’s economics and market realities. In support of the RDA’s mission, we can assume a higher level of risk than traditional lenders to ensure that transformative projects get built. While our approach is flexible, we incentivize projects that achieve the RDA’s goals for affordable housing, placemaking, sustainability, high quality urban design, and economic development in accordance with our mission, values, and livability benchmarks.
Eligible Costs:
The RDA Loan Program provides financing for construction costs, or hard costs, to facilitate various development projects, including new construction, building rehabilitation, and energy efficiency upgrades.
Objective Requirement:
- The project must be located in an RDA Project Area, and meet at least one Project Area Objective as provided through the most recent Project Area Strategic Plan; <OR>
- The project is located within Salt Lake City municipal boundaries and provides affordable or mixed-income housing.
Financing Structure Requirement:
The RDA Loan Program is intended to provide gap financing to supplement existing, secured
financing. Under specific circumstances, the Program may provide primary loans for projects that demonstrate a high level of community benefit.
Design Requirement:
Projects approved for funding must support any applicable RDA Design Guidelines.
Term & Amortization:
The standard loan term is 5 years with a 20 year amortization period. A 5-year option to extend the overall loan term to 10 years may be available, with an interest rate increase of 2% at the five-year extension. Terms outside of this standard will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Affordable housing projects may qualify for an extended amortization period.
Standard Interest Rate:
Interest rates are fixed at 300 basis points (3%) more than the 5-year United States Treasury rate at loan closing. A reduction to the standard interest rate is available if the project meets one or more Public Benefit criteria. For each criterion fulfilled, the project will receive a 50 basis points (one half of one percent) reduction from the standard interest rate, with a maximum reduction of 300 basis points.
Limits to Assistance:
Loan maximums are limited to the demonstrated gap in available financing to cover project costs. Loan amounts will be sized to cover the gap in financing to meet the lower of a debt coverage ratio (DCR) of 1.1 or a loan to value (LTV) of 95%. A DCR of 1.2 or LTV of 90% must be met for primary loans.
Tax Increment Reimbursement Program
The RDA’s Tax Increment Reimbursement Program helps achieve the RDA’s project area goals by offering a tax increment reimbursement to developers for building eligible projects. The RDA will reimburse property owners or developers for construction costs associated with projects in existing RDA project areas that meet each project area’s strategic plan objectives. The amount of the tax increment reimbursement is determined by what the project generates, and the percentage of tax increment split between the RDA and developer.
Eligible Costs:
The RDA Tax Increment Reimbursement Program provides financing for construction costs, or hard costs, to facilitate various development projects, including new construction, building rehabilitation, and energy efficiency upgrades.
Objective Requirement:
The project must be located in an RDA Project Area, and meet at least one Project Area Objective as provided through the most recent Project Area Strategic Plan.
Design Requirement:
Projects approved for reimbursement must support the RDA’s Design Guidelines. All designs will be reviewed by the RDA’s Design Review Committee.
• Eligibility is limited to projects that are eligible if they are located in tax increment collection areas within RDA project areas.
• Applicants must complete a Tax Increment Reimbursement Application and provide information as required by the RDA to be eligible.
• Awarded applicants must enter into a Tax Increment Reimbursement Agreement with the RDA in order to receive funds.
• Projects built in the first 10 years of an RDA project area life will be eligible to receive a higher percentage of the total tax increment generated by the project. Projects built in the last 5 years of an RDA project area life are not eligible.
• Tax increment reimbursements are paid annually to developers the first year the completed project is on the Salt Lake County tax rolls.
To request an application, please email kate.werrett@slcgov.com.
In 2018, the RDA was empowered to expand its Tax Increment Reimbursement Program to include an economic development component. Qualifying businesses already based in Salt Lake City have the opportunity to establish a Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) to facilitate tax increment reimbursement that can financially support the improvement of existing facilities in order to retain jobs, or adding facilities to create more jobs. Eligibility overview can be found here; Financial details are outlined here.
Granary District Adaptive Reuse Program
The Granary District Adaptive Reuse Loan Program provides forgivable loans to encourage the reuse and revitalization of the Granary District’s unique stock of warehouse and industrial buildings. The loans are intended to ease the sometimes daunting cost of the necessary building code updates local developers face when renovating aging warehouses and distressed industrial buildings. By facilitating transformative development projects that increase the number of residents living, working, and visiting the Granary District, the RDA has been successfully revitalizing the area one project at a time.
Several local businesses currently reside in buildings renovated with the help of the Adaptive Reuse Program:
- Atmosphere Studios (326 W. 700 South), a locally owned company employing more than 30 people and specializing in the design and construction of branded environments, is now headquartered in a renovated warehouse.
- Fisher Brewing Company (320 W. 800 South), a local beer brewer and retailer, transformed a pair of adjacent auto garages into its brewery and taproom.
- T.F. Brewing (936 S. 300 West), also a local beer brewer and retailer, who is enjoying the result of A3 Project developers’ transformation of a tire store and garage into a brewery and taproom.
- Orchid Dynasty (365 W. 900 South), a plant and flower shop SLC-mainstay since 2001, who expanded its business into a former warehouse, which now functions as a storefront for retail sales, as well as a workspace for wedding and event staging, and online sales.
The RDA’s strategy to combine the adaptive reuse of contributing structures with new infill development in a manner that supports commercial, residential, and light industrial uses in the Granary District has proven successful, and it invites more developers and businesses to take advantage of the Adaptive Reuse Program. Renewed and refunded by the RDA Board of Directors in Summer 2017, the Adaptive Reuse Program is ready to help support more adaptive reuse in the Granary neighborhood. For more information about eligibility, funding, match requirement, and terms, see this specification document.
Housing Development Loan Program
Our Housing Development Loan Program (HDLP) facilitates the construction and preservation of affordable housing by providing low-cost financial assistance to community partners, centralizing the application, underwriting, and approval process for housing development loans.
The HDLP provides low-cost financial assistance to incentivize the development and preservation of affordable housing within Salt Lake City municipal boundaries. This program is intended to streamline the application and approval process and better target resources to needs within the community.
Funds are distributed once a year through a public Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) process, which is detailed and posted on our Development Opportunities page.
Approximately $2.7 million in funds designated for the development of affordable housing in high-opportunity areas of Salt Lake City remain open. The detailed submission guidelines and application are available on our Development Opportunities page.
Partner Programs
Wasatch Brownfields Coalition
The RDA is a member of the Wasatch Brownfields Coalition, along with Salt Lake City’s Sustainability Department, Salt Lake County, and Ogden City. “Brownfields” are defined as real property where the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of contamination.
The Coalition was awarded a grant from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2022 to be used as capital in an EPA Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund (RLF). These funds, in the form of low interest loans and grants, are made available to eligible private, public, and nonprofit entities seeking to cleanup and redevelop brownfield sites throughout Salt Lake County and Ogden City.
For more information on this opportunity, please visit Salt Lake County’s dedicated website, which includes detailed eligibility and application information: EPA Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund
Rocky Mountain Power
Rocky Mountain Power’s New Construction Incentive Program is a robust program that incentivizes energy efficient commercial and mixed-use buildings from design to operation. It aligns with the RDA’s Sustainable Development Policy and is also primarily geared towards commercial and mixed-use projects. Overview below, and more information on Rocky Mountain Power’s website here.
Rocky Mountain Power also offers a multifamily rebate program. More information about that here.